
Liz...Mommy Model!!

she is so so so stinkin' cute! we literally laughed the whole time, it was so hard to stay focused on taking pictures because i just loved her too much i yacked her ear off! just for the funny record.... men were pausing in the streets and slowing down in their cars (those dirty animals!) and there were even 2 boys that came out of a building we were shooting outside of and they totally believed she was a real live supermodel and got a pic with her....well i cant post it because i dont want to get sued by mom somewhere out there...but seriously so so so funny!

Liz is a personal trainer and here is her blog. Go visit her!

1. Do you have any nicknames?

Now that I’m an adult, the only nickname I go by is Lizzie… but as a child, I went by: Busy Lizzie, Lizard and then my two personal favorites - Lizard Lips, and Lizard Breath.

2. If the world ended and you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Hands down, I would have to say homemade whole-wheat toast. I know that sounds really boring, but it is my absolute FAVORITE food in the whole wide world! I never get sick of it! NEVER!

3. Morning person or night owl?

I’m up everyday at 5:00 am and LOVE it! Mornings are so peaceful!

4. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

I was 14. He used the… “Do you want a piece of gum?” trick on me… where he stuck a slice of gum in his mouth and had it half way in, half way out. Sly little devil!

5. Tell us something embarrassing about yourself.

Oh dear, I could go on and on with this answer... But I'll spare you and just give you my classic embarrassing moment! After a long day at Disneyland, we took the kids to the swimming pool at our hotel. My husband and kids were already in the pool while I was putting things down and getting settled. When I was finally ready to hop in with them, I took off my swimsuit cover up. I didn’t realize at the time however, that along with my cover up, I took with it, my actual SWIMSUIT bottoms!! OOPS! And in the mean time, I happened to moon the entire parking lot that was behind me! I didn’t even realize what I had done until I saw the look of horror on my husband’s face and looked down and saw my swimsuit around my ankles!

6. What are some of your quirky silly fears?

I fear that I’m never going to die. (Sounds weird I know… but hear me out!) I have really healthy genes in my family, and my grandparents have lived well into their late 90’s. One of my Grandpa’s lived to be one week shy of 100 years old. Once I went to my doctor and he told me that in all his years of practice, he has never seen cholesterol levels so low or a blood pressure so healthy. It’s not that I don’t love life… in fact it’s just the opposite! I absolutely LOVE my life! But I just don’t want to be stuck hanging around this life for a really long time if I am lonely, unable to do things I want to do, or if my mind isn’t functioning right. {My husband’s advice is for me to start eating more twinkies!} J

7. Hobbies, interests, talents......

I love exercising, reading on my back porch, coloring in coloring books, going on long walks, writing in my journal, doing things to make other people happy, checking things off my “to-do” lists, going on bike rides with my daughter and gardening.

8. Favorite all time movie......

I don't really have a "favorite" movie... but I do have a favorite "style" of movie. Anything that is a happy, chick-flick, inspiring, happy-ending, silly, light-hearted movie, is the kind of movie I'd like. I'm not into serious dramas, thrillers, scary things or stuff like that.

9. What do you spend most of your time doing every day?

Training my clients in my home gym, cleaning house, and keeping peace among my kids. :)

10. If you could have any super hero power what would it be?

Ooh! I would love to be able to read people's minds!

i told her my most embarrassing moment....maybe someday i will share it on my blog...

so J%@$*@H$$KH@HKH cute!!!!!! she was born to wear pink.

i LOVE you woman!!!

7 i love comments:

Liz June 23, 2009 at 2:01 AM  

No Emily, I love YOU!!!! These pictures turned out better than I ever imagined they would have! You definitely know how to use some magic with Photoshop because you somehow erased zillions of flaws and made me look loads better than I actually did... THANK YOU for that! :) You are the sweetest girl ever and I love you tons for making my day, my week, my YEAR with this photo shoot! You were born a talented photographer! I can't wait to use you again! You are amazing!! Love you to pieces!

Unknown June 23, 2009 at 8:01 AM  

Oh these are soooo cute!! I was going to buy those same shoes!!! I am pretty sure this is the same Liz that is the personal trainer I am wanting to go to after I have my baby!! She is sooo cute!! I love all of them!! They are amazing!!

Anonymous June 23, 2009 at 3:24 PM  

Oh Em & Liz, these turned out fabulous! What great shoes!!!

Ric and Kirsten June 23, 2009 at 7:22 PM  

So pretty! Have I mentioned lately how much I miss you! : )

Chanda June 23, 2009 at 7:59 PM  

I love the shoes! It'll be hard to vote on my own with those ones out there. BEAUTIFUL pictures too.

Emily Clark June 23, 2009 at 8:57 PM  

oh liz... you are such a babe! just for the record i did not whiten any teeth (i cant remember the last time i whitened someone's teeth), did not change ANYTHING about you but smoothed over skin. seirously all my mommy models are gorgous! i think im lucky and pretty people come to me to take their pics...(sigh) thanks to all for the cute comments!

Mari Burgess June 23, 2009 at 10:02 PM  

CRAP!!! I was feeling pretty confident about my shoes till now! Those are SOOOO cute!

hi there.

I have recently just moved up to Utah County area and am willing to travel for shoots. I will be making trips to Cedar City and St. George area once every couple of months if you are interested in catching me on those days, either email me or watch on my blog for announcements.

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Nikon D700
Nikon D200
600SB Flash with diffuser
Nikon 50mm 1.8
Nikon 85mm 1.8
Nikon 35-70mm 2.8
Tokina 11-16mm 2.8
6 in 1 Westcott Reflector Kit
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended

Utah wedding photographer, wedding portraits, portrait photography, senior portraits, senior photographer, childrens photographer, childrens portraits, new born photgrapher, family photographer, family portraits, Miss Iron County Photographer

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