
Alisha.... St. George Mommy Model!!

A photog buddy of mine that I just ADORE! (and her cute mommy too). SUCH SUCH a sweetie pie and very talented! love you girl!

1. Do you have any nicknames?

Moosey (I know-not super flattering! It's for my plump, short toes)

2. If the world ended and you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

If the world ended, would I still have to eat??? HA!! Probably just water! I go through it like...well...water!

3. Morning person or night owl?

Definite night owl-just look at most of my post times HA

4. How old were you when you had your first kiss?

I was 14 and he was this dorky skater kid.

5. Tell us something embarrassing about yourself.

I pluck gray hairs! There, I've admitted it-I have them and I pluck them. But there is just so many!! I'm too young!!

6. What are some of your quirky silly fears?

This sounds really dumb, but I'm afraid of not being needed. It breaks my heart when people don't ask me to help them.

7. Hobbies, interests, talents......

I adore photography and digital scrapbooking! I like to read a little. I took years and years of music lessons but aren't very good, but I do appreciate and love music.

8. Favorite all time movie......

I'm not a movie person. I watch them and forget about them. It's kinda cool cause I can watch the same one again cause I don't remember what it was about.

9. What do you spend most of your time doing every day?

Playing/cleaning up after/giggling with my kids (then Photoshop-ing when they sleep)

10. If you could have any super hero power what would it be?

Hmmmm...I would love the power to comfort. I hate it when people are sad or angry and I don't know what to say to them to help. I guess being the oldest, I want to fix things.

GO VISIT Alisha here!!!

cute mommy...

CUTE shoes! love them!

3 i love comments:

Anonymous July 2, 2009 at 9:42 PM  

You are the best Em!! Thank you so much for letting us spend some time with you! I can't wait to see all the shots from the weekend!

Anonymous July 3, 2009 at 8:12 AM  

those are the cutest shoes i've seen so far!!! I LoVe them!!


Emily Clark July 3, 2009 at 10:23 PM  

thank YOU girl! and yeah your shoes were pretty dang cute!

hi there.

I have recently just moved up to Utah County area and am willing to travel for shoots. I will be making trips to Cedar City and St. George area once every couple of months if you are interested in catching me on those days, either email me or watch on my blog for announcements.

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My other half.

My other half.

My Foto World

Nikon D700
Nikon D200
600SB Flash with diffuser
Nikon 50mm 1.8
Nikon 85mm 1.8
Nikon 35-70mm 2.8
Tokina 11-16mm 2.8
6 in 1 Westcott Reflector Kit
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended

Utah wedding photographer, wedding portraits, portrait photography, senior portraits, senior photographer, childrens photographer, childrens portraits, new born photgrapher, family photographer, family portraits, Miss Iron County Photographer

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