ok finally!
My wedding website is up......and even though it's not to the perfection I want it... it will have to do for now. Go look
at it here if you want. Anyone can book a wedding now but keep in mind I will only be able to do St. George weddings
up until the middle of May. I havn't decide on "traveling" yet so if you have questions email me, otherwise the
weddings I will be available for will be in Utah County.
I have had lots of seniors emailing me for pics and wanting them sooner because of graduation. I will start
booking seniors for the middle and end of April and my families and mommy models will start in May. Go
ahead and contact me to schedule......April is only a couple days away and I will now start taking reservations.
Please be sure to check out my pricing and read it carefully BEFORE you contact me to book. Your reservation
will be saved as soon as I recieve the sitting fee.
excited to shoot again! I cant believe how much I really missed it after my winter hybernation/
pregnancy! Or maybe I am just so anxious to get out of the house, I dont do well indoors very long.
XOXO Emily Clark at 3/30/2009 4 i love comments
these pictures made my day....(it was a long day)
I got these in an email that has was fowarded from my sis-in-law..... and I thought it would be kinda fun to
show off other people's amazing photography!
this one made me smile......
this one made me laugh.......
this one made me cringe......... more from the man holding the bug than the lizard...(i hate bugs)
XOXO Emily Clark at 3/27/2009 0 i love comments
my little drama queens....
the other day....
Hubby: "Hailey, what does a cow say?"
Hailey: "mmoooOOOOOOooooooo"
Hubby: "What does a kitty say?
Hailey: "mmeeeoowwwwwwwwwww"
Hubby: "What does a doggie say?"
Hailey: "ruff ruff ruff"
Hubby: "What does mommy say?"
Ted got a kick out of that one.
my Hailey....
I cant wait to do her 2 year old pictures next month!
my favorite.
Hailey: "are we DONE yet????!!!" Samantha: " i think i have to poop again...."
of course a promised.....even though she wasn't very "good", she was good enough.
XOXO Emily Clark at 3/26/2009 12 i love comments
I just cant help myself.
She will only be this small for a little while, so I figured its impossible to take too many pictures. Samantha is
now 8 days old, (sigh). I'm still in love with her.
LOVE her lips.....
"rock on!"
one of my favs...
XOXO Emily Clark at 3/23/2009 13 i love comments
While I was sleeping.......
.....this morning, hubby got Hailey (my almost 2 year old) ready for church. My amazing mother-in-law (Jo) got her
camera out and documented hubby doing Hailey's hair. SO SO glad she took these and I am totally impressed
at her angles!!! (thanks mom) I was going to share more of Hailey and Samantha but I was laughing so hard
at Ted's facial expressions I thought you all out there would get a good kick out of it...especially if you have a
daughter and a husband who have attempted this.
cant you see him wanting to swear right here?
my favorite. crooked pigtails and a very serious concentrated dad. ya know...its not easy doing this when you
have so little hair to work with. hahahaha
XOXO Emily Clark at 3/22/2009 8 i love comments
my Samantha baby.....
I totally should be taking a nap right now but I couldn't resist taking some pics and posting them!
her profile:
(by the way....I prayed that this baby would have hair, and I guess Heavenly Father loves me because
look at it all!!)
her double chin....hahaha
her cute face:
her buff arms: (ok just kidding)
I wanted to get her naked for this one but she likes to use her LOUD vocal cords and strong lungs when I
strip her down, so I decided to save it for another day.
Warning to all moms who are on their 2nd babies........they come FAST!!! We got to the hospital at 4:15am and
I had her at 5:30 and I now have a GLIMPSE of what it is like to have a baby natural. I will tell the fun story
another day ;) Im going to sleep now.
XOXO Emily Clark at 3/19/2009 16 i love comments
"helllloooooo world!!"
She is here! (March 15th 5:30am, 6lbs 10 ounces, 18 1/2 inches) Samantha Jo has officially changed our lives forever. I am 100% in love and have been giggling since they gave her to me. I will post way more pics in the next few days to show her off.
by the way....she has hair!
XOXO Emily Clark at 3/17/2009 23 i love comments